Internet Marketing Tools




If you require Marketing using the Internet, I have assembled a list of tools you may need to support your campaigns and efforts. You will need an email collection and autoresponder to collect leads and to communicate with your subscribers on a regular basis. For this you will need an email collection system with an autoresponder with capabilities to commnicate with your subscribers. An Email solution such as Email Jeet 2 Pro will be perfect. You will also require to make your website attractive and interactive, solutions such as Pixal and Landing Page Monkey will be perfect solutions to communicate with your potential customers "LIVE". In addition to making things attractive, a presentation solution such as Explaindio will be perfect. You will also need to create those stunning 3D Video introduction, this is where Vinci3D comes in, instead of paying graphics consultants hundreds of dollard, you can make one in less than 10 minues. If you are doing dropshipping using Amazon or Ebay prodcuts, eComm Pro is an ideal solution. With its easy setup, get hundreds of Amazon and Ebay products for reselling in less than 20 minutes. Then there is research one product is Niche Evolution, this is where you can research a product that is getting hot in th market. For Facebook users, there is DarkPost Engine, this allows you to see what posts or ads that are getting a lot of "Likes" in Facebook. Having this information will allow you not to second guess what advertisement will work, saves you time from a lot of Split-Testing. There are also tools to make a website mobile friendly, as most people now are on the go and wanted to surf the web using their SmartPhones. A non mobile friendly causes lost sales because if you cannot be viewed on the SmartPhone, you will be skipped. Lasty, you want to monitor all your links and see which works, which does not, what is accessed by a SmartPhone or a computer and where in the world your clicks are coming from. That is where EasyLinks comes in. So browse on the list and see what your Internet Marketing needs are. I have used all th prodcuts listed here and will not post anything I used but did not work. If you have not subscribed yet, in the upper right hand side of this page is a box where you can put your email and subscribe to this website. Put your email and click on the Susbcribe Now button. Thank you.


Static Banners on your Website are a thing of the past. Modern Website banners are animated, interactive and most of the time also entertaining. 

Pixal is the tool that you need to create those attention grabbing banners and attract more potential customers to your website. With Pixal, you can have an animated banner, an interactive banner wherein you can collect information from your visitors or even show them a video.

For more information, click on the product image to bring you to the product web page.

DarkPost Engine

You want to have an idea on how a facebook post or a facebook ad that has a lot of "LIKES" and "Engagements" , DarkPostEngine is the tool that you will need.

Need to get an idea what Phrase or Sayings that attract a lot of Facebook users or what is the latest popular post of your favorite personality? As long as they have a Facebook Page, you can see all these information. 

This is also a nice tool to see what Ads of others or even your competitor that is getting a lot of shares and likes. No need to second guess how a popular and effective ad looks like. DarkPostEngine can find it for you.

For more information, click on the product image to bring you to the product web page.


Want a complete picture of your over-all Marketing Campaign? Affiliate Marketing, Facebook Marketing, Google Ads, and other forms of internet promotions. This will help you analyze what campaign works and what does not.

Collect statistics, see where your customer clicks are coming from in the world, find the devices they are using, see if your link is still live.

Advanced features will also allow you to add retargeting pixels, action pixels and more. 

All of these in one nice easy to use dashboard.

Click the product image to go to their product page.

eCom Profit Machine Pro

If you want to do drop shipping and get products from Amazon or Ebay, this is your eCommerce Store solution for you. Imagine, having a store without having no need to buy inventory?

eCom Profit Pro is an easy to build eCommerce store and can automatically pick up existing products from Amazon and Ebay and sell it in your own website. 

When people buy products from your Website, Amazon or Ebay will process the order for you including delivery and payment processing. eCom Profit pro links with your Amazon or affiliate information and banks the approrpiate commision for the sale to your account. 

Here is a sample eCom store: eCom Pro Sample Store

Click the product image to go to their product page.

The Mobile Website Converter

Most web access are usually done in SmartPhones now especially those on the go and looking for products or services while away from their computers. 

A lot of businesses are lost because websites that do not load properly on SmartPhones practically loses an opportunity for a sale. 

This product will allow easy conversion to a mobile friendly website and can be used by expert web developers or someone who does not have an idea to make a website. Just by following a menu driven software, one can accomplish the hardest part of converting into mobile friendly websites.

Click on the product image to go to their product page.

The Real Estate Mobile Pages

Imagine this scenario, a family looking for a house drives around the neighborhood, finds a house , dials your number and wants to see an overview of the property in your website. You website not really designed for a SmartPhone did not load properly. The potential buyers searches the web for the property but this time lands on a competitor's offering. From there a potential sale was lost because your website is not SmartPhone friendly.

Real Estate Mobile Pages sllows easy conversion of non SmartPhone friendly websites through a step by step menu system, even those without web development experience can do it. 

Here is a Sample Site 

Try using a SmartPhone and a Computer

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Landing Page Monkey

Landing Page Monkey does what it says, it creates a Landing Page but it does not only create A LANDING PAGE, it creates a different kind of Landing Page. Imagine a Landing Page with a video in it and at the same time displays in from of you an option to Opt-In an offer right there znd there from that special Landing Page.

It is determined that video Landing Pages with an Opt-In button greatly increases the chance of a person grabbing an offer or exchanging email information.

Click on the product image to go to the product page.  

Explaindio Video Creator Pro

Are you still using Powerpoint or Keynote to create your presentations? Then you need to learn about Explaindio Video Creator Pro to make your presentations look modern.

The nearest description of this product that I can give is that is like presenting using a whiteboard. Whiteboard presentations are proven to be effective to communicate your points. 

You will be surprised to discover on how easy it is to create these presentations. Click on the product image to go to the product page.

Vinci 3D 3D Video Logo Creator

3D Logo Videos are very expensive to make, it can cost up to hundreds of dollars for a few seconds of 3D Video.

This product will allow you to create those kinds of 3D Videos. Put your Logo in the various templates Vinci3D offers and create those expensive 3D Logo Videos at a fraction of the price. A beginner can design a 3D Logo video in minutes. Once done it has a one button click to render and produce the 3D Video. 

Although template based, the videos can be tweaked to create uniqueness that will set your videos apart from others that were made from the same tool.

Click on the product image to go to the product page.

Email Jeet 2 Pro

Email Jeet 2 Pro is an autoresponder email system that you can use for opt-ins, scheduled emails that can complement your email marketing. So now, with Email Jeet 2 Pro, you do not need to pay your autoresponder email provider those high monthly fees.

Not only would you save on expensive monthly fees from an autoresponder email system, you will also save expenses in sending emails to your followers. No more expenses per 1000 email sent whcih can eat up a lot of your budget as your list grows. Email Jeet 2 Pro includes a built in SMTP server to send your mails. That is not all, in addition to the built in SMTP Server, you can also use your existing email from your Internet Service Provider. Plus you can use existing email service providers if you choose to do so. 

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